Thursday, June 10, 2010


“…but, oh dear!” cried Alice, with a sudden burst of tears, “I do wish they would put their heads down! I am so very tired of being all alone here!”

From Reader # 2

Oh dear, indeed! We’ve been here nearly week, and no one has so much as even thrown a brickbat at us. We’ve told ever so many people where we are. How can they be so…so, let me see—ah, yes, I have it!—so indifferent!

What would our Author do? Hmmm? No! I shan’t enflame my irascible appetite. I have it! I’ll put on my puzzling cap and warm up my speculative intellect, and then let right reason be my guide. (Our Author most certainly won’t approve of that.) Now let me think.

Eureka! (Or is it heurēka? I’m sure it’s Greek to our Author, too, and I mustn’t ask him to pretend that he knows. I shall ask Reader #1. He can hardly wait to write next.) I daresay everybody is peevish because our Author gave out a pretty bookmarker, and we didn’t. That certainly wasn’t at all civil of us.

Well, I shall give them one. But what shall it say? I don’t want to ask the Hippo. I know! It shall be a bottom-line caution from the Horse! It shouldn’t at all do for nice people to waste their money just to have a bookmarker. Now that everyone has a bookmarker, will somebody say something rude?

Feast of St. Margaret

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